Climate and Weather

Nova Scotia has many different climates, storms, and weather patterns. Nova Scotia has very unpredictable weather, in fact there was a blizzard in 2004 and it left behind 100 centimeters of snow in just three days. Nova Scotia is in the Humid Continental Climate zone region. The average rainfall total for all the months starting at January is 149.2mm,for February 114.4mm, March 134.5mm, April 118.3mm, May 104.7mm, June 98.3mm, July 102.2, August 92.7mm, September 103.6mm, October 128.7mm, November 146.0mm, and December 154.8mm. It is not always snowing or raining in Nova Scotia, but when it is snowing it's good to know how much snow Nova Scotia on average gets. December, January, February, and March are the snowy months, December averages around 3 centimeters of snow, January receives an average of 9 centimeters, February averages 9 centimeters also, and March receives and average snowfall of 8 centimeters. Nova Scotia is commonly known for all the fog it gets, because of this sun is an occasion. Halifax, Nova Scotia has over 100 days when there is fog or mist. Other than fog, Nova Scotia is known for rain and storms, Nova Scotia is known as "Canada's ocean playground". In 2003, a hurricane struck Nova Scotia and destroyed cars, public buildings, and historical monuments. Nova Scotia has cold winters, warm but not hot summers, and mild falls. The best time to visit Nova Scotia is in the fall, becuase it's the most enjoyable season.